Intermittent Fasting: Yes Or No
If it fits your macros (IIFYM) and flexible dieting are all the rave in the fitness industry, as well as another practice called intermittent fasting (IF). Intermittent fasting is an industry trend and especially popular as a fad dieting approach. However, when it comes to this style of eating each individual should tread lightly and think it through. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle, and by definition is not a diet. [1][2] My personal experiences with both methods, primarily on a short-term basis during my competition prep cutting phases, have been successful. I was using clean flexible feasting that fit my macros, coupled with periods of daily intermittent fasting, I attribute my success with these protocols only to the fact that I practiced each lifestyle modality based upon my individual personal goals, and lead an active and disciplined lifestyle in terms of my daily food choices. However, intermittent fasting is not a lifestyle choic...