Erectile Dysfunction tips & supplements for that extra BOOST
For an ebook that can help you TREMENDOUSLY battle Erectile Dysfunction click here If you're like me, you were pretty chill when you were younger. You didn't party much, you stayed to yourself, and you pretty much had no idea what you wanted to do. Now that your 30s are here, the stress and anxiety of life are starting to zap the energy from us. A new poll reveals that men in this age group are most likely to struggle with keeping it up. If you didn't get much action in your younger years - you could be in for a surprise. So why can't they get it up? 49% of the men blame stress, while 24% blame drinking too much. On top of that, almost 30% have broken up with their partners as a result. In fact, 43% of men aged 18-60 across the UK are suffering from impotence; four in ten men blame stress, 36% blame tiredness, 29% blame anxiety, and 26% say they drink too much. This poll came from some researchers from the Coop Pharmacy. They found that th...
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